Re: Children
From: cynthia . e . carpenter (
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2000 09:27:49 -0700 (MST)


I like the content and tone of your piece on the whole.  It seems ironic to me,
though, that a value statement aimed at cohousing children would first emphasize
such values as self-reliance, independence, self-motivation, freedom and
autonomy, with a later focus on cooperation, responsibility, caring and empathy
for others.  I would emphasize first the values of interdependence, asking for
and receiving help, teamwork, sharing, consideration and caring for each other
and our community as a whole.

My experience of cohousing so far has been that it is often much easier for any
one of us to develop an individual solution to a given problem, whatever it may
be, than it is to work with other community members to develop a solution.
Individual solutions often solve the immediate problem at hand, but they tend to
reinforce patterns of isolation and frustration with other members.  My kids get
lots of experiences of independence and self-reliance from other parts of their
lives.  From their experience in cohousing, I hope my kids will gain both the
inclination and the skills to resolve issues by working with other members of
the community.

- Cindy
Cambridge Cohousing

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  • Children allenbutcher, January 22 2000
    • Children allenbutcher, January 23 2000
    • Re: Children cynthia . e . carpenter, January 24 2000
    • Children allenbutcher, January 25 2000

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