resale value of cohousing units
From: Denise Meier & Michael Jacob (
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2000 14:42:00 -0600 (MDT)
Back when we were trying to get a construction loan (ah, the sweet
memories come flooding back :^) ) I undertook to compile information on
the resale value of cohousing units across North America.

Now that we are moved in, I find I do not have the interest, time or
energy to pursue this. I have this information, though. Does anyone want
it? Does anyone want to pursue collecting this information from groups
and compiling it?

If you do, please let me know, and I will mail you the hard copies of
what I have.

One caveat. Winslow  cohousing, on Bainbridge Island in Washington
State, gave me this information with the understanding that I only use
it with our bank. Therefore, I will not pass it along to anyone else
unless we obtain permission from Winslow cohousing for me to do so.

Denise Meier
Two Acre Wood
Sebastopol, California

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