"Livable Communities" Focus of 2001 AIA Convention
From: Diane Simpson (cohoworld.std.com)
Date: Sun, 21 May 2000 19:36:30 -0600 (MDT)
"Livable Communities will be the focus of the national AIA [American
Institute of Architects] convention in Denver next year (May 17-19 2001).
If you are interested in sharing your expertise/knowledge/successes,
increasing your visibility and role as a leader in the profession, and
helping to elevate the national discussion of livable communities, you may
wish to consider proposing a workshop or other presentation for the Denver
convention. Proposals are due next month on June 19; for details write/call
ecole [at] aia.org/202-626-7445"

--From the May 2000 Boston Society of Architects Newsletter

       @@                 coho [at] world.std.com                  @@
      @@@@       Diane Simpson  http://jpcohousing.org       @@@@
      |  |     Boston, MA 02130-4436        617-522-2209     |  |
      | V|               Dogwood Cafe 6-8 p.m.               |V |
      |  |  Across from Forest Hills Station in Boston, MA   |  |

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