Re: Re: Too many tags!
From: Mabel Liang (
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2001 11:22:00 -0700 (MST)
I alo get the list name twice.  Actually, for this message I got it _three_
times!  For what it's worth, the software I'm using is an old version of
Eudora; the help says 2.X.  So like Liz, I have to cut and paste the e-mail
address from somewhere if I want to reply to the original sender.  Looks
like I might have to create a signature file!

I'm not sure how things have changed to make this different; I haven't
caught up on all my cohousing-l e-mail yet.

I like the brackets.  That makes the message jump out to me as being from a
list, and which one.  Other than that I don't care what's in the brackets.
The underscore is a little weird, but not a big deal.

                                                -- Mabel :-)

Mabel Liang
Cornerstone Cohousing
Cambridge, MA
mabel [at]

At 09:55 AM 2001-03-09 +0000, Elizabeth Stevenson wrote:
>Dear Fred et al,
>I don't get the sender's address anymore when I hit "reply all". I used to.
>Now I get two copies of the list address. Sorry, Fred, I think that replying
>to the list, even when it's just technical stuff, is preferable to replying
>to you off list. Some technophobes appreciate knowing they are not alone
>when things aren't going the way they like. I think that people prefer to
>know what's going on and what others are thinking.


>Liz Stevenson
>Southside Park Cohousing
>Sacramento, California


Mabel Liang     mabel [at]

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