FYI: "Is Real Estate Market In a Bubble?" Is there still opportunities for people forming intentional communities before the burst?
From: Asynaps (
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2003 16:24:09 -0700 (MST)
According to a Report by the Center For Economic And Policy Research titled
"Homeownership in a Bubble: The Fast Path to Poverty?" (date August 13,
2003), they suggest that some prospective buyer may be better off
financially to forgo buying till the market has reversed to a more
sustainable level. I encourage you to read the details of the report at:

This report has many details, including data, diagrams, and graphs with many
references to support their claims. It appears that this report brings
insight into some details that your real estate agent may not know of or be
willing to disclose. And If you are a first time buyer and in the mid to low
income range, you may be the hardest hurt financially in the one of those
markets that has seen a 30 plus percentage increase in the last year, you
may be most at risk of losing hard earned money. I did see one sector that
may be of interest to intentional communities prospects that may provide
sound investment in this current real estate market. I will share more

Best Regards,

Santa Monica/Westside Cohousing community forming.
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