Re: Recruiting for Families
From: Dahako (
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2004 19:02:44 -0700 (PDT)
Hi all -

Remember, age discrimination (except in developments for senior citizens) is 
against the law in the U.S.  So you can target families in your advertisements 
and marketing.  You can add lots of family-friendly features to your meetings 
and buildings.  But you had best avoid a set-aside of units that might 
require you to fail to sell to someone because of their age (arguably).

-Jessie Handforth Kome
Eastern Village Cohousing
Silver Spring, MD
"Where the second member household (mine) in our very urban neighborhood had 
two school-age kids and things have blossomed from there.  49 of 56 units sold 
- and about 10 households have kids at home. Two new members born this year 
and one on the way and we haven't even moved in yet!"

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