a few words from Arthur Okner
From: Fred H Olson (fholsoncohousing.org)
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2005 14:55:45 -0800 (PST)
Arthur Okner <artokner [at] worldnet.att.net> is the author of the message 
It was posted by Fred the Cohousing-L list manager <fholson [at] cohousing.org> 
after deleting a quoted digest and changing the digest subject line.

It feels weird to post this message given it's content... I postponed
doing so a few hours to ponder how to handle it but decided to handle it
the way I would any other rejected message. 

Digest subscribers, please take care when replying to cohousing-L messages
- delete most quoted material and replace the subject line.
Fred, cohousing-L list manager    (Thanks for the words, Art.)

--------------------  FORWARDED MESSAGE FOLLOWS --------------------
Just a few words to show my appreciation to Fred for making the
Cohousing-l available to us. Much praise for a job well done.
Arthur Okner Nomad Cohousing Boulder CO

  • (no other messages in thread)

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