Re: Question about remodelling
From: Sharon Villines (
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2005 10:53:09 -0700 (PDT)

On Apr 19, 2005, at 11:17 AM, <normangauss [at]> wrote:

Can anyone tell me whether a condo owner can hire her own contractor to make an addition to a community-owned triplex residential building? This assumes
that the community review process has OK'd the addition.

If the community approves both the contractor and the work (as well as getting zoning and building permits). The same risks apply -- you need a fully insured and bonded contractor as well as provisions about damage to other parts of the property.

You will probably want your lawyer to review the approvals/contracts.

I don't know how you are structured but the issue of taking common space for private space may apply. We have a person who wants to extend their deck which will increase the cost to the community for maintaining the deck. Do we want to do this or add an assessment for the larger deck?

The proper question is probably not "can she do this" but what are the concerns that need to be satisfied in order for her to do it. What does it mean for the rest of the community? If there has a downside, how can it be remedied?

Sharon Villines
Building Community: A Newsletter on Coops, Condos, Cohousing, and Other New Neighborhoods

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