Cohousing tips for landlords and tenants
From: Charles Maclean (
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 09:13:50 -0700 (PDT)
Having been a landlord for 7+ years I have had a range of renters.  Some
thoughts: (not legal advice)

- Invite renters to be full participants in community life (we exclude
renters from using the blocking vote during calls for consensus)

- Require renters to have in place prior to move in separate renters
insurance with at least $300,000 of liability coverage to cover damage
to other units, especially water damage

- Have renters sign the same mediation/arbitration agreement signed by

- Have renters go through the same "path to the neighborhood" interview
(with landlord absent) and visitations prior to move in.

- Use standard lease/rental agreement forms for your state provided by a
landlords association.

- Give preference to potential renters who can become potential buyers

Charles Maclean
Trillium Hollow
Tel: 503.297.1490
advocate [at] 

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