car spaces
From: meikamonagmail (
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2005 17:54:46 -0700 (PDT)
Gday all

You always need more than you think.

Particularly people who think they don't need that many, but do. We have 11 households. One with no cars, one with no cars but is looking after two, three-five households with one car but another visits regularly (outside partners), three households with one car, and one household with a car, a van and a trailer (expropriated by all of us as a dumpster/skip).

This excludes any non-regular visitors.

If you asked us (as we did) what we would need before we moved in, people with the regular visitors would say one, but they really need two. Some of the no cars families actually need two sometimes, and the only really honest person is the person with the most (three). Sometimes people have their own car, a visiting child's car, a work car and some semi-permanent visitor's car. That four.

The local council requirements were a bit more than we needed, but not by as much as people think. It was worked out at so many cars per square area of buildings planned to be built.

People think they are purer than they actually are. Planning/mangement is about the worst people can do, not the best.

And I might say thatt the view of NO and Katrina from Australia looked completely and utterly mad.

Cohousing Co-op, Hobart, Tasmania.
We're in that Meltzer book.

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