bye for now
From: Lynn Nadeau (
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2005 08:48:43 -0700 (PDT)
I'm going away for a couple of months and will be unsubscribed for that 
time. I appreciate this list a lot: for years our cohousing community has 
been helped, and has been able to connect with others in helpful ways as 
well, via this listserve. 

Those of you who know me, wish me safety (I'll be in the West Bank among 
occupiers and occupied) and effectiveness (my aim is to witness and 
write). Any replies, off-list of course. I'll be back on line in January.

Lynn Nadeau, RoseWind Cohousing
Port Townsend Washington (Victorian seaport, music, art, nature) (very active peace movement here- see our 

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