Re: health insurance
From: Tree Bressen (
Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2005 16:25:06 -0800 (PST)

The Federation of Egalitarian Communities has a catastrophic plan
($5000 deductible) that might an interesting model to you.  Obviously
it is not health insurance per se, but it covers the worst cases.
Because it is set up for income sharing groups there would be
modifications for your groups.

  I believe the person to contact about this is laird [at]  The
program is called "PEACH".

There is a bit of info posted on the program on the FEC's website at:

PEACH is designed for communities that have taken on covering *all* of their members' health costs. I personally would be thrilled to see cohousers develop a companion program, or to offer a full coverage option, either one would be sooo great. We are looking for something like this at my community too.




Tree Bressen
1680 Walnut St.
Eugene, OR 97403
(541) 484-1156
tree [at]

  • health insurance Elke, November 7 2005
    • Message not available
      • Re: health insurance Tree Bressen, November 7 2005

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