Re: Not Enough Privacy in Cohousing?
From: Jeanne Goodman, JP Cohousing (
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 19:50:59 -0800 (PST)
I would like to say that this is a VERY interesting post and something that might be worth pursuing further if I might recommend it as a topic for the magazine?

This post will definitely make me think twice before I dare to ask someone if their guest was a date. I think it's hard to know when that kind of thing steps over the line of asking as friends who share information about what's going on in their lives versus sounding like a gossip.

Are there other taboo topics?

Jeanne Goodman
finally in Jamaica Plain Cohousing

----- Original Message ----- From: "Rob Sandelin" <floriferous [at]>
Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 3:18 PM
Subject: RE: [C-L]_ Not Enough Privacy in Cohousing?

...Interestingly enough, in all cases that I know of, all the people who left because their privacy boundaries were violated all involved sexual or romantic relationships. ...

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