Is Songaia Food Program unique?
From: Craig Ragland (
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 13:06:42 -0800 (PST)
I just got home from Costco, where I helped my wife with shopping for
Songaia Cohousing (13 units, 38 people, 11 acres near Seattle). As I hauled
in 20 pounds of cheese, I was reminded of a question I've often been asked
that I've been unable to answer:

Is Songaia's food program unique within the cohousing movement? And if so,

Our program has a flat fee of $85/month per adult and $5/year-of-age/month
for kids, although the FFF (Fabulous Food Folk) are likely to raise our
prices soon to respond to increased interest in organic foods.

It consists of three main elements:

(1) Five Common Meals per week: M-Th dinners, plus Sat breakfasts - everyone
helps cook/clean
(2) Community Pantry of 100+ items, plus many spices and teas: members
freely draw food from the pantry with no tracking (our shoppers just keep it
(3) Community Exchange of ~20 items (batteries, light bulbs, etc.) which we
buy in bulk, then members purchase (accounted for and settled monthly)

I know we're not unique in our common meals, although from the cohousing
directory, it appears we share more meals than most cohousing communities.
We are, I think, unusual in having fixed monthly fees, rather than
individual, per-meal accounting?

Are there other cohousing groups with a Common Pantry? All of our members
may draw freely from our pantry with no accountability as to how much
different families eat. I have witnessed similar models in non-cohousing
communities, but would like to learn more about other cohousing communities?

I expect some cohousing communities use variants of the Community Exchange
model, as it seems a minor variation from how some communities run their
common meals (i.e., different prices per meal, member cost being based on
attendance). I believe I've heard of some communities that charge for common
meal left-overs, which is similar.

In curiousity, Craig

P.S. Joani Blank wrote an excellent article in 2001 on common meals for
Cohousing Magazine which is now freely available on

It reinforces my curiousity about whether Songaia's more comprehensive
program is unique. If others have common pantries, I'd love to exchange some

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