Boston Society of Architects Seeks Speaker
From: Dave and Diane (
Date: Wed, 10 May 2006 18:40:27 -0700 (PDT)
Hi all,
The Boston Society of Architects Housing Committee would like someone to talk to their group about the technical aspects of cohousing. (If it were the social aspects, I would do it myself). The contact person is David Kelman. He told me on the phone tonight that he is looking for someone to talk about cohousing and answer questions about a particular item was put in or why a section was built this way rather than another way. Here is David's contact information, and David feel free to send a reply to all if any of this information is incorrect or you need to elaborate.

phone: 617-783-1767
phone: 617-296-2877
email: dgkalman4 [at]


marketing facilitator
jp cohousing  617-522-2209
Box 300420 boston ma
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"The people who surround you define the quality of your life."

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