Re: Quorums/Reopening decisions
From: Kevin Wolf (
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2006 21:08:17 -0700 (PDT)
N Street Cohousing doesn't have a quarum requirement. We just allow two weeks after a decision is posted for someone in the community to object in which case it is considered a block of consensus and then follows that process. A blocked consensus requires a meeting every two weeks for up to three months between the person(s) blocking and representatives of the consensus position. If after the six meetings, consensus hasn't been reached, the community will vote with a 75% supermajority winning. In 18 years of having this process, we have yet to get past two blocked consensus meetings before consensus is reached. We have never voted. And it is rare that someone blocks consensus on a meeting which they did not attend and didn't like the results.

Kevin Wolf
N Street Cohousing Community member
724 N St, Davis, CA  95616
kevin [at]

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