Seeking older women sharing cohousing unit
From: Communities Magazine (
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 10:34:44 -0700 (PDT)

Do you know of any older women, say, past 50, who share a cohousing unit with a friend or two? I don't mean love partners but women just sharing housing, partly because it's easier for them financially. I'm trying to find women in this situation for Paula Bruggeman with Retirement Living TV, who's producing a program on older women sharing housing for economic and social reasons. I thought that for sure there must be instances of cohousing roomates who are women. It could be two women who bought a unit together, or one who owns it and rents out a room or two.

If you know of any women in this situation, and yo have their email address (or even better, their phone number) will you let Paula and I know? Her email address is pbruggeman [at]

If you're curious about Retirement Living Television, it's a new network of shows for older people. Sort of like AARP, but on broadcast media.

        Thanks very much.

        Diana Christian

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