Re: How to develop a group for 50+ without family
From: Sharon Villines (
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2007 05:23:25 -0700 (PDT)

On Jun 28, 2007, at 4:20 AM, Marganne wrote:

I'm open to suggestions about how those of us who fit this
demographic (or close to it) can connect to figure out how to modify
the standard cohousing model to meet the needs of the 50+ boomers
without kids. Or maybe I'm missing another way of looking at what I'd
like to create for myself as I get older.

I would really like to see this discussion in the list -- not taken to a separate list. I have some suggestions for moving it forward here. I moderate a lot of lists and from time to time join a lot more. Whenever I want to learn about a new subject, I go to YahooGroups and join every list related to the topic. That allows me to connect with experts fast, but it also allows me to see how lists are run and why some are good and some are useless.

One thing that makes a good discussion is a moderator. This list has a good moderator so over all it is a long lasting, on-topic, generative list. (Thanks, Fred!).

But it also needs moderator functions applied to specific discussions -- different functions, but still taking things in hand.

Name your discussion -- minimalist 50+ singles -- so people can follow the thread. In cohousing a location often does this focusing. Without a location, you need to create a focus.

From time to time, summarize where you are so far. Take some risks -- be a leader. Some one will disagree with you because they have different goals but you focus yours and those of the group you are forming around yourself.

Any discussions about how to make housing more affordable will appeal to everyone and there are some answers out there. Someone just needs to pull them together.

But please don't start a new list -- it just isolates the discussion and drains this one. The most active lists are big, focused ones (or time-limited, special project lists).

Sharon Villines
Coauthor with John Buck of We the People
Consenting to a Deeper Democracy
A Guide to Sociocratic Principles and Methods
ISBN: 9780979282706

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