Re: defibrillator
From: Lynn Nadeau (
Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2007 15:27:03 -0800 (PST)
It doesn't strike me as irrelevant to consider a defibrillator:

Minutes can make a life-saving difference.
The units are compact and simple to wall-mount in as easy a place as our fire extinguishers. They are very self explanatory - actually "speak" to you and tell you what to do. In addition, Red Cross CPR courses now include use of such units, which are to be found in places like airports (I watched an airport one in use last year.) In a common house like ours, there are many gatherings. Not only our members, of whom a number are older, but sometimes 50 or more "general public". Add it up and there are thousands of person-visits. I think we should consider having group CPR trainings, and take a serious look at the value of a defibrillator, as the technology improves and prices go down.
Lynn Nadeau
RoseWind Cohousing

  • defibrillator Audrey Watson, December 5 2007
    • Re: defibrillator Lynn Nadeau, December 5 2007

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