Re: fees for participation/ CH cleaning
From: Katie Henry (
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2007 14:39:49 -0800 (PST)
At Eastern Village, cleaning was an enormously contentious issue when we moved in. Note that we have a large (95,000 sq. ft.) multi-family building with vast amounts of common space, including eleven common bathrooms, so cleaning really is a huge job.

We had:

1. People who refused to clean under any circumstances.
2. People who said they would clean, but didn't.
3. People who were willing to clean, but only if everyone else was also participating in cleaning. 4. People who were willing to clean, but were reluctant because they didn't want their work to be judged by others. 5. People who were willing to clean, but who needed to be told what to do and when to do it, and we didn't have anyone willing to take on a task coordination role.

We squabbled about cleaning for six months or so. Very little got done. The building decayed into a state of total squalor, with giant dust bunnies rolling down corridors like tumbleweeds and the floors being visibly and permanently damaged from the dirt. It reached the point where people were ashamed to have visitors over and our church ladies were threatening to move out.

We sucked it up and hired a cleaning service. LIfe immediately improved. Over the three years since move-in, we have increased their frequency and scope of work. Under the new contract we just signed, we will have someone on site for about 35 hours a week. We're paying about $30,000/year (shared among 67 units; 56 cohousing and 11 other). Money well spent, everyone agrees.

The cleaning service focuses on the main public areas and the corridors. The meal teams do a lot of the kitchen cleaning. Other rooms, such as the kid's room, the exercise room, the laundry room, and the workshop, are cleaned by their users. Members were supposed to clean the guest rooms after their visitors leave, but it wasn't happening, so we've added the guest rooms to the cleaning contract.

Eastern Village Cohousing
Silver Spring, MD

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