Display of Flags in Cohousing
From: Maggie Dutton (mduttonshaw.ca)
Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2007 16:40:48 -0800 (PST)
I wondered about the message about Patriotism and whether or not it was
referring to flying flags in cohousing communities and how groups deal with
that.  I was sorry to see Mary Ann's posting trashed.  I thought it might be
interesting to hear responses.  Maybe it is because I am Canadian and we
don't fly flags much.maybe on Canada Day.and in front of Federal Buildings.
Personally we fly both flags from July 1st  Canada Day to July 4th because
our household has both a US citizen and a Canadian citizen.  How would
American cohousing groups feel about people flying other flags at times in
American cohousing groups?

Warmest Regards,

Maggie Dutton,

www.fgmalternatives.com <http://www.fgmalternatives.com/> 

www.sociocracyinaction.ca <http://www.sociocracyinaction.ca/>    



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