Re: Urban cohousing: Common house on roof?
From: Bob Morrison (
Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2008 08:41:20 -0800 (PST)
  Joani Blank wrote in part:

  As for getting people to use the CH, yes, put the mail boxes up there, and
not right next to the elevator. The group may have to work something out
with the post office to get them to deliver the mail knowing that it's going
to be further distributed before being delivered to the intended recipient.
Or you could just not tell them the P.O, and trust someone in your group to
remove the mail from the conventional "boxes" where they are delivered now
and distribute it to people's boxes upstairs. [end quote]

  I would be uneasy about the USPS delivering mail to a master mailbox and
someone in the group distributing it to per-unit mailboxes. This would be a
lot of work, and he/she would have to do it on time six days a week. There
is also a privacy issue. I think the only practical way to do it would be to
put the mailroom, including a conversation area, on the first floor and
relying on things other than picking up mail to draw people to the rooftop


Bob Morrison

Dover, NH

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