Net Worth Exercise
From: Mina Baisch (
Date: Sun, 6 Apr 2008 07:10:29 -0700 (PDT)

"... You need to look and feel powerful to be successful in this world of
development.  And you especially need to look and feel powerful if you
want to partner with a developer.  They must see you as a strong and
capable partner - and not as potential buyers who simply may not
perform when you can't get a mortgage at the end.

Chris ScottHanson

Cohousing Resources LLC
Ecovillages, Cohousing & Sustainable Communities
Development and Consulting for a Sustainable Future
   based on the Natural Power of Community"

This makes a lot of sense to me. After all, WE are the ones who are ultimately bringing the money to the table, so to me it does seem as though we should have a lot of the power. I'm sure there are financial and legal instruments that allocate the power, as well, and my next step is to start learning about that end of things. Your net worth exercise sounds like something that could be very useful to our group.
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