Re: Elevators and exclusions
From: Tim Mensch (
Date: Mon, 19 May 2008 14:26:36 -0700 (PDT)
Jenny Guy wrote:
Well, if you didn't have an
elevator you'd have more *livable* units with flats, and more
*visitable*ones with townhouses.... I think you'd save more than
enough for an elevator
by eliminating all those internal staircases and the space they take up.
Interesting thought, though frankly there are folks--me included--who don't want anyone to live above or below them, for noise reasons (not wanting to either worry about making or hearing noise). There are others on this list who seem to have issues with noise from above...Sharon? ;) Obviously if no one in your group cares, then you can ignore that thought, to a degree, though it still might affect who you can find to buy the remaining units...

If you actually do the noise insulation necessary to avoid the problem, I'd bet you don't end up much ahead in cost, since you'd probably need two independent joists to prevent noise transmission...some cohousing, like e.g., Pleasant Hill Cohousing in California, simply built both kinds of units, with some flats only single story. But beware of the Many Kinds of Units expense: The fewer unit types you have in a community, the cheaper it is to build...

So many variables...

Tim Mensch

Currently at Wild Sage (Boulder, CO):

Founding member of Tumblerock, a Boulder, CO area community in its forming 

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