House Share at Rocky Hill, Florence MA
From: Eva Passalacqua (
Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2008 06:01:27 -0700 (PDT)
Posting this message for my neighbor Kristen -- it's a wonderful household and a great opportunity to join in our community!


Co-housing Rental, Florence, MA Available July 15

Two rooms for rent to one person, in a beautiful, contemporary, multi- generational, progressive, and active household. Well insulated, private, wooden floors, garden space, workshop space. We are 8, 45, and 70 year old, artists, educators, bodyworkers, play experts, dancers, budding film makers and lovers of life. Come bearing open heart, warmth, skills for community living, a sense of humor. 575+. Call or email Kristen @ 413-586-2373, kchamber [at]


Eva Passalacqua
Rocky Hill Cohousing
Florence, MA

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