Thinking About Applying for a Community Impriovement Grant?
From: Dave Wann (
Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2008 12:43:38 -0700 (PDT)

Make sure your community knows about the Community Improvement Grant for
$2,500 offered by the Cohousing Association of the U.S. Check out the
website for details. Print and post that web
page on your bulletin boards and forward this email!

Hmmm... how could WE use $2,500 to:

Increase the quality and quantity of social connections in the cohousing
community with a much-needed physical or organizational improvement.

Enhance the level of sustainability in the community, with economic,
structural, technical, or procedural improvements.

Provide a model for other communities on how to establish and maintain
strong ties with the surrounding town or city and/or with other cohousing
communities in the region.

Let us know if you are mulling this one over. We want to encourage
creativity and energy with this grant, and get some good, replicable ideas
flowing. Remember, the deadline for submissions is October 31 -- not too far
away, really.

Dave Wann
grant coordinator
Harmony Village Cohousing
(303) 216-1281

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