Urban Density
From: Sharon Villines (sharonsharonvillines.com)
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2008 12:19:12 -0700 (PDT)
The Wikipedia article Joanie Connors referenced has a link to the US Census Bureau's list of Urban Areas:


Urban areas are contiguous census block groups with a population density of at least 1,000 inhabitants per sq mile with any census block groups around this core having a density of at least 500 inhabitants per sq mile.

The census has two categories of urban areas. Urbanized Areas have populations greater than 50,000 while Urban Clusters have populations of less than 50,000.

[I have no idea what this means but I include it incase someone has just this question: An Urbanized Area serves as the core of a metropolitan statistical area, while an Urban Cluster serves as the core of a micropolitan statistical area.]

Fortunately, the article then gives a list of the Urbanized Areas and the cities within them, and Urban Clusters, so you don't have to understand any of this.

The point is that this list could be used as a basis for identifying urban communities according to at least one accepted standard --

-- by anyone who has a free afternoon.

The FIC directory can't be searched or sorted by both "cohousing" and "[state]". The Coho list doesn't include this information.

Sharon Villines
Takoma Village Cohousing,Washington DC

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