Re: Sustainability of community service
From: Lynn Nadeau (
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2008 12:09:34 -0700 (PDT)
Patty and Rob BOTH speak my mind. Cohousing IS work, it DOES consume energy, time and money, and sometimes it seems draining and discouraging, especially when participation is on a downswing. AND at best the trade off is definitely worth it (I've been with RoseWind for 18 years), and there are those wonderful accomplishments of joint commitment. I think would-be cohousers should take both posts to heart.

Craig points out the importance of organizing to make the best use of available skills and energy, inviting assistance, etc. And that too takes time and energy, to organize. Once you slip down to where the organizer-initiator types are swamped with basic community-subsistence work, it's hard to get back on top.

Lynn Nadeau
at RoseWind Cohousing, Port Townsend WA
where it's all true
and a wonderful house is for sale

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