Re: Renter's Fee
From: Douglas G. Larson (
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2008 06:06:52 -0700 (PDT)
I can explain the rationale.

>From the beginning a portion of each homeowner's HOA fees cover general
expenses like electric bills for the common house, supplies for the common
house and other similar expenses. After we started having renters we had a
discussion about wanting the renters to have a stake in the community in
some way since they were not homeowners and also have them contribute to
expenses that are incurred by everyone but which cannot be itemized out
specifically. As a result the renter's fee was created. 

I am one of the landlords here at Songaia and I have had 3 renters in 4
years with a 4th coming soon. I make it clear to each prospective renter
that this is a cohousing community and that community involvement to some
degree is expected. The degree to which each renter is involved is up to
them. All 3 of my previous renters chose to be involved in community life,
though each did so at different levels. I suppose I could encounter a
potential renter some time in the future that didn't want to be involved in
community life in any way. Its never come up but if it did I would question
why they would choose to live in a cohousing community but do nothing to be
involved in the community. 

Douglas G. Larson 
Songaia, Cohousing

>Can you explain the reasoning behind the renter's fee? 

>The reason I ask is that we have six rental units and one remaining unit
for sale that is rented under a lease with >>
>option to buy. Of these, the vast majority of our renters do not choose to
participate in most community meetings or work >parties, and this is
something we are struggling with. So I am wondering if the renter's fee is
based on an assumption >
>that renters, having no vested interest in the community, are not expected
to contribute as much? A sort of surcharge?

>And if so, are they able to work it off for a refund?


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