Carol Gulyas invites you to try Yotify
From: Carol Gulyas (
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2008 10:13:48 -0700 (PDT)
Yotify is a personal web scout enabling you to track anything on the web. You 
can send out scouts to track a new apartment, a better job, concert tickets, 
travel, a new TV or just about anything else. And Yotify gives you a simple way 
to enlist your friends' help in tracking stuff too!


Yotify is simple to use, a real time-saver and 100% free. You don't even need 
to register to start using it. Click here to give it a try:

You received this email because a friend thought you would be interested in 
trying Yotify. You can reach Yotify at 912 Cole St. Box 174/San Francisco 94117

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