preparing for the holidays/post thanksgiving
From: Audrey Watson (
Date: Sun, 30 Nov 2008 17:28:24 -0800 (PST)
From one of our members, a video tour of Winslow Cohousing, as built in gingerbread:

"Can we build it? Yes we can!" It was with that inspiring rallying cry
(with thanks to Bob the Builder) that Mateo led us in launching what
will hopefully be an annual Winslow Cohousing tradition: the WCG
Gingerbread Bake!

Thanks to all who came by the Common House today and rolled up your
sleeves to bake and decorate your homes. We somehow managed to render
all the buildings at WCG (minus the tool shed, bike barn, and wood

One of the most elaborate of the buildings was made by 2 teenage boys, and the rest were made by residents from age 2 to 70+.

Winslow Cohousing
Banibridge Island, WA

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