Re: Question about severe emotional distburbance/mental illness incohousing
From: Joanie Connors (
Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2008 07:52:07 -0800 (PST)
It is indeed true that some police/police forces overreact. It depends on the community and whether they have any youth focus in their criminal justice departments. That would be a good thing to look into.

But the law is the ultimate boundary, saying "this is not OK". This boy is described as having harmed children and pets and having threatened other children plus adults, in addition to abusing alcohol (which though not unusual in teens, makes him more likely to lose control when imbibing).

Police are part of our greater communities, and it is important to work with them in positive ways whenever possible. Refusing their help because some of them in other places handle things badly is throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

Diana's community may or may not be at that point. But for a community needing to set boundaries, police are part of that continuum if lesser measures do not work.

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