Lancaster (UK) Cohousing - Yes!
From: Neil - (Coho/US) (
Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2009 18:57:32 -0700 (PDT)
Mark, Fiona, Kathy, Pete, Jon and all the other future Lancaster Cohousing residents,

I just watched the video of Halton Gorge, the future site for your community. Wow.... A very inspiring and beautifully produced video. Well done on finding a gorgeous site and congratulations on exchanging contracts. Phew.... Now, onwards to planning, designing and construction with Ecoarc (that's exciting too) and continuing to grow your already wonderful community.

I am sharing your website link so that others can enjoy and cheer you on.

May the road ahead be filled with joy, success and bushels of learning.

Neil Planchon

Founding Resident - Swan's Market Cohousing - Oakland CA -
Tours Director - Cohousing Association -

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