Parents with cognitive disabilities
From: Fred H Olson (
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 04:40:04 -0700 (PDT)
Cathy Ellis   <ellis273 [at]>
is the author of the message below.  It was posted by
Fred, the Cohousing-L list manager <fholson [at]>

Note that Cathy is not subscribed to Cohousing-L, please send replies to
her directly.

If you reply is of general interest, please send a copy to the list,
but please be careful to not violate privacy.  Remember that
I can forward messages to the list in such a way that post
does not identify you or your communuty.


--------------------  FORWARDED MESSAGE FOLLOWS --------------------


I am a graduate student at the University of Minnesota researching supported
living models for parents with cognitive disabilities and their children.
Cohousing seems to be a natural environment that could work well in supporting
parents with a disability and their children. I would like to hear from both
parents with disabilities who currently reside in cohousing and/or cohousing
communities that have members who have disabilities about their experiences.
Please feel free to e-mail me at:
ellis273 [at]

Thank you.
Cathy Ellis
Graduate Student
University of Minnesota
Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare

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