Re: How do we hold each other accountable?
From: Sharon Villines (
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 2010 08:26:15 -0700 (PDT)

On Jul 25, 2010, at 7:08 AM, Craig Ragland wrote:

Well, I do believe that simplistic, even-steven views of fairness create
major challenges.

What our workshare people have done is to state that these are minimums and some people will always do more. Nothing will ever be "equal." Fair, we don't talk about.

But one task that never gets factored in is the amount of time that research and planning take. Our people who supervise jobs on workdays both supervise (and work) for the whole workday but also can spend as many hours or more planning and purchasing the material in the days before.

Or in doing a big job like replacing floors. The research, getting bids (which is also information gathering), getting community approvals of both design and money, and supervising the work is largely invisible and doesn't "count."

The coordination work and planning that a team leader does plus coaxing team members along to finish work is also work that isn't visible.

I'm hoping that in the more structured steering and planning of dynamic governance, the work done by team leaders and representatives will count head work as equal to hand work.

Sharon Villines
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