House for Sale in Springhill Cohousing - UK
From: judysfoster (
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2010 15:28:22 -0700 (PDT)
Is it possible you could send this out to your mailing list please?
House for Sale
6 Springhill
Part of an amazing and vibrant award winning Cohousing Community
* Generate some of your own electricity (2KWp) 
* Eco House – 250mm recycled newspaper insulation, 300mm in roof
* 4 bed beautiful house, open plan and spacious.

* Private car parking space
* Pedestrianised street.
* Town Centre, trains to London 1 ½ hours.
* Stroud Town has 4 organic cafes, farmers market, artists and music scene.
* Small south facing garden with deck, large balcony.
* The only purpose built CoHousing Community in the UK
* 4 shared evening meals in Common House
* Common House has concerts, Pilates, singing, dancing, birthday parties, 
Bridge, workshop, laundry, table tennis etc.
* Don’t miss this opportunity to buy into the best community in the UK.

Contact Judy Foster tel 07977055875 or judysfoster [at]

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