Re: Associate Membership
From: Ellen Keyne Seebacher (
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2011 17:07:37 -0800 (PST)
Mosaic Commons (part of Sawyer Hill Ecovillage) was legally required
to separate our HOA from our cohousing group.  The former includes all
homeowners, and operates according to our condo docs on issues
affecting ownership of property.  Our cohousing group, which manages
community life and operates by consensus, includes those who join
voluntarily -- which I believe includes all current owners, one
household renting from an absent owner, and a couple of associate

Associates have the same privileges to use our Common House and other
facilities as anyone else in our cohousing group, and they have the
same responsibility for work days, meeting attendance, and cohousing
dues (which are separate from condo fees).

Because we are still in the process of selling homes, we only offer
associate membership to those who genuinely want to join us but for
financial or logistical reasons cannot buy here.

Ellen Keyne Seebacher                   elle [at]

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