Re: Nonresident owners?
From: Elizabeth Magill (
Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2011 20:05:33 -0700 (PDT)
> Does anyone have a policy for dealing with decision input from persons  
> who own a house in your community but don't live there?  We have an  
> owner who lives the majority of the time in another county.  We're not  
> sure how to respond when she disagrees with an activity proposed by  
> someone who does live here full time and does participate fully in our  
> community.

You will have to say more about your process...

I assume you've asked why the blocking person thinks the proposal is bad for 
the community?
And you've then asked those who disagree to be part of the creating a better 

In my opinion, and in our system, if there is only one block and that blocker 
doesn't either describe why it is bad for the community OR take part in the 
rewrite, then the next meeting we approve the proposal with one block...
But we haven't actually had the problem yet, so maybe I'm missing something.

Elizabeth Magill
Come be our neighbor!
Berlin, MA

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