Sept. 11
From: Ann Zabaldo (
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2011 17:05:41 -0700 (PDT)
Hello all!

We've been having some ROUSINGLY good posts on celebrating 
the 20th Anniversary of The EcoVillage at Ithaca.  I hope you caught 
yesterday's which included a wonderful video about EVI. This community has 
certainly taught us a great deal about sustainability.  Liz Walker, co-founder 
of EVI, has opened my eyes about the depth and breadth of sustainability.  The 
concept of sustainability goes far beyond green buildings.  

Far beyond.

It encompasses education, accessibility, food production and distribution, 
tolerance and inclusivity.

Which segues into my thoughts about how I'm acknowledging 9-11 this Sunday.  I 
just posted to the blog.  I hope you will read it and share your thoughts with 
me and others:

Have a blessed weekend.

Best --

Ann Zabaldo
Takoma Village Cohousing
Washington, DC
Principal, Cohousing Collaborative, LLC
Falls Church VA
703 663 3911

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