Eco Village Land Available in Alberta
From: Darcy Goodrich (
Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2011 21:47:21 -0700 (PDT)
My wife and I with our kids have a ranch in east central Alberta, Canada, near 
the town of Hardisty. We have been transitioning to organics, pasture based 
meat, eggs and dairy through Holistic Management for 10 years now. We have 
always loved the concept of an eco-village since seeing a documentary on TV 
about the one at Craik, Saskatchewan a few years ago. We are starting an eco 
village of our own on our land, and are looking for people to network with that 
have been there-done that. We have 1800 acres of our own, most of which is 
native pasture and prairie poplar bush. We are really seeking more families to 
join with us and move to the farm. We would love nothing more than to see a 
community of families growing healthy food and healthy kids on our land. As 
time has passed over the years, our old ways of being the independent rancher 
struggling to get bigger and bigger all on our own, with more and more debt and 
stress, seems so futile. Now I truly
 believe that many families on small plots could grow far more food than one 
family stretched beyond their abilities.

If any of you know of any families interested in joining an eco-village, we 
would greatly appreciate any help you could provide. We are very passionate 
about growing healthy food, and even more so about food/farming education, for 
new farmers and the next generations to come. Thanks for your time,
Darcy Goodrich
No Farmers, No Food, No Health
Know Farmers, Know Food, Know Health
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