Re: Language
From: Eris Weaver (
Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2012 17:21:40 -0800 (PST)
Sharon wrote:
> why are European Americans still called "White" when everyone else has a
geographically identified origin instead of an assigned color. 
>I now put European American or Other. 

I have been using European American for quite awhile...especially since my
mother actually emigrated from Europe!

I have a friend who quips about the phrase African American...she has two
friends who actually grew up in Africa and are now Americans, who do NOT
look like what we expect when we use that phrase! (One is Afrikaaner and
codes "white", and a Zimbabwean whose name is Portuguese but looks like he's
from India)
Eris Weaver, Facilitator & Group Process Consultant
eris [at]

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