After 20 Years of Cohousing - A Futuristic Novel
From: Zev Paiss (
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2013 08:43:26 -0800 (PST)
Dear Friends,
One of the advantages of living and working around cohousing since 1991 has 
been the opportunity to help envision a future that works. A future that 
includes cohousing as a "normal" element of life.

For those of you who enjoy reading positive (yet realistic) futurist stories 
please take a look at my new novel "From Here to There: A Story of America's 
Future." It is a fast paced mystery set in the years 2020 and 2060 where 
Danielle the 75 year old state Governor lives at Earthhaven a cohousing 
community that will feel very familiar to many of us.


From Here to There: A Story of America's Future
Order your copy today!

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