seeking DC-area favor
From: Tree Bressen (
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2013 16:50:26 -0700 (PDT)
Greetings folks,

I'm looking for a favor. To be more specific, a ride for me and a bicycle and some stuff, on April 15/16, from somewhere around Cumberland to Arlington.

In exchange, i'm thinking i could spend as much of the drive time as you want answering your questions on group process. You could spend the time talking about the particular situation your community is in and what might be helpful in addressing it, or seek out experienced answers to questions on consensus, facilitation, conflict resolution, and related topics. I've worked with over 50 cohousing communities and other intentional communities, in all stages of development, and have taught at a bunch of national conferences. People pay me decent money for this work, and i'm willing to give you personalized advice (and gas money to boot)!

A few weeks from now, i will be visiting Virginia to attend the 20th anniversary of Acorn, the little commune where i used to live. Afterward, i want to bike tour a section of the C&O trail that runs from Washington, DC to Pittsburgh. I don't have time to cover the whole thing, so i'm going to get off in the middle. My guess is i might make it as far as Cumberland, but i'm not sure. My challenge is that getting off in the middle of the trail, it's a little tricky getting back to the city. So i'm looking for a ride, for me and a bike (it may turn out to be a folding bike but i'm not sure yet), back to Arlington, possibly with a stop in Ashburn. I'm thinking this would be either later in the day on Monday, April 15, or earlier in the day on Tuesday, April 16 (i am aiming to get to Philly by the end of that day).

If you are interested in connecting around this opportunity/favor, please write back to me one-on-one and not to the list. Also please feel free to forward this message on to any regional listservs or internal community lists. Thank you!


--Tree Bressen


Tree Bressen
Eugene, Oregon
(541) 343-3855 (after 11am) - GROUP WORKS decks now available

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