Getting Hud to accept ... / tiny houses
From: Fred H Olson (
Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2014 07:32:21 -0700 (PDT)
On 13 Jun 2014 1 Sharon Villines wrote:

>The solution posted a few weeks ago of tiny houses clustered around a
>CH that also serve unique needs like showers is one that would not be
>possible in many areas.

On 5/31/14 Sharon Villines wrote about Tiny Houses in a msg:
Homeless Cohousing :

On 13 Jun 2014 Raines Cohen wrote:

>Thanks for the subject-lines linkage, Fred, to make it easier for
>people searching in the future to find this topic.

I encourage people to make original post subject lines as descriptive
of the topic in the message as possible. Generally it is better to
reply with the same subject line to make reading a thread easier. When
a subject line needs to be changed the format
<new subject> [was: <first few words of org msg at least>
allows one to more easily go back to earlier posts.

Similarly when one references earlier posts in another thread the more
specific the reference the better. Including a quote, the date,
author, subject or URL all help.  In the case above, searching for
tiny houses 2014
found it easily.

Connecting messages and ideas on the list like this is not uniquely
a list manager role.  Anyone who notices can and is welcome to do it.

Fred who had missed the 5/31 tiny houses post but likes the idea.
In the late 1950s my sister lived in student family house made up of
rickety trailers with common bathing facilites.

Fred H. Olson  Minneapolis,MN 55411  USA        (near north Mpls)
     Email:        fholson at      612-588-9532
My Link Pg:         My org:
Communications for Justice -- Free, superior listserv's w/o ads

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