Re: Micro housing
From: Sharon Villines (
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 07:06:19 -0700 (PDT)
Just FYI -- I lived in Manhattan in a 500 SF studio that was quite comfortable 
in the city because so many people don't entertain at home or have guests 
sleeping over. My social life was in restaurants, bookstores, parks, theaters 
etc. People live all over the place so it is much more convenient to meet at a 
restaurant halfway between or go someplace after work. And you don't have all 
the stuff a house needs -- tools, maintenance stuff, etc.

When I retired from teaching, however, it was too small. I was claustrophobic 
and crowded with all the stuff from my office moved in. It wasn't comfortable 
working at home and laptops were not as popular as they are now. There was a 
Starbucks nearby. And huge bookstores to read and edit in.

I also lived in a 600 SF studio that was older and much better well-designed 
with a walk in closet, dressing room, and bathroom combined and a separate 
kitchen. It was lovely but I would have had the same problem if I were in it 

Good light and a view not of a brick building is an essential.

I now live in 825 SF and it's perfect but more than 3 other people visiting 
feels crowded. Unless one or more are babies or young children. Five children 
is bit crowded, even if they are all watching a movie.

 Light on 4 sides because I have an end unit. 

I have too many craft projects and books to live in the really micro places. 
There are wonderful videos on YouTube showing how architects have made very 
small places work miracles. A bed folds down over a bathtub. Moving walls. 

Sharon Villines
Takoma Village Cohousing, Washington DC

  • Micro housing Grace Kim, October 21 2014
    • Re: Micro housing Sharon Villines, October 21 2014

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