Re: Parking Requirements at Takoma Village in 1998-1999
From: Sharon Villines (
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 08:48:05 -0700 (PDT)
Sorry, this went to the wrong list. But it maybe helpful to those planning 
communities in a urban or semi-urban environment.


On Oct 22, 2014, at 11:28 AM, Sharon Villines <sharon [at]> 

> Because of the access to the metro, we had to have something like .83 or .75 
> parking places per unit so fewer than one for 43.  However, the neighborhood 
> requested we have 1 per household to reduce parking on the street.  Also at 
> the time there was a LOT of car vandalism so the neighbors wanted to reduce 
> the amount of vandalism by having cars in a secured lot.  Hence the fence and 
> the gate.  Originally, no fence … no gate.
> There was also an outcry on the part of potential owner that we have one 
> space per unit because of resale value. At that time it increased the value 
> of the unit significantly to have off street parking. 
> There was also the issue of members in the army and on medical staff who 
> worked odd hours and needed to return at midnight or 4 am and wanted an 
> assigned space and safe return.
> As I said before, one space per unit has worked well. People have gotten rid 
> of second cars as they died or were given away. We now have 4 extra spaces as 
> people didn't get new cars, or never had them. These are now rented or 
> reserved on our calendar for guests or workers. 
> We are totally challenged on bike storage, however.
> (We have an open house on Sunday for two units. See our website--link in the 
> signature line.)
> Sharon
> ----
> Sharon Villines
> Takoma Village Cohousing, Washington DC
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