Cohousing in the NYT today
From: Susan (
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2015 20:20:49 -0700 (PDT)
Hi Joani,
I was excited to see the article this morning and even more excited when
she mentioned cohousing in Oakland, where I live. (I came close to
plotzing.) However, I was baffled and annoyed that the reporter felt the
need to put cohousing in quotation marks.  What? It's not a legitimate
term? She doesn't know that it has a history, not just in the US but in
other parts of the world?

Since I can't afford cohousing near San Francisco, where my family lives,
I've found another way of living cooperatively and in community: sharing a
house with another woman. Together, we have been sharing our story of how
we, as strangers, have figured out how to live together with The Transition
Network-Home group in the East Bay.

Susan Green

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