Community Tune Ups
From: Alice Alexander (
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2015 06:22:35 -0700 (PDT)
I wanted to highlight my invitation via today's Cohousing Nows eNews
<>, about community "tune ups," seeking
comments on the need and any experiences. If you are comfortable, I
encourage a discussion via this cohousing-l list serve! or email me
<alicecohous [at]> directly. Many thanks.

....I took the opportunity to inquire about his [Laird Schaub's] work with
cohousing communities seeking rejuvenation - towards expanding this
opportunity to our many communities who are cycling into maturity, and
could benefit from a "tune-up." Laird profiled this work, and the
increasing requests he is receiving, in his blog The 100,000-mile Community
Tune Up
. I applaud those communities who have sought such a "tune-up;" what was
your experience? How can Coho/US support enhancement efforts?

Alice Alexander
Executive Director <>
[image: The Cohousing Association]

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