The Twin Cities Cohousing Network revival with Chuck Durrett Speech
From: Fred H Olson (
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2016 05:52:23 -0700 (PDT)
The Twin Cities Cohousing Network (TCCN) is being revived after 20
years with a presentation by Chuck Durrett, the "father" of US
cohousing in Minneapolis on Thursday September 15 at 7pm
at the First Unitarian Society of Minneapolis,
900 Mt Curve Ave, Minnepolis, MN (just south of Walker Art Center)
Details, see

TCCN was established in the early 1990s as an umbrella group. But only
one small community - Monterey Cohousing Community was establish tho a
number of other attempts were made.  Monterey had numerous challenges
- more than most cohousing development.  Sometime in the mid to late
1990s TCCN became inactive.

Many of those involved in the revival have been interested in
cohousing since the early days.

If you know people in the Twin Cities please make sure they are aware
of this.

Followup events are being planned.


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