cohousing retreats
From: Eris Weaver (
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2017 10:52:56 -0700 (PDT)
I'm putting together a session for the upcoming Cohousing Conference on
retreats and would love to hear from others in both forming and existing

.        What kind of retreats has your community had? 

o   Fun/community building/getting to know each other

o   Training/learning/skill-building

o   Working on specific issue, problem, or policy

o   A mixture of the above

o   Something else entirely

.        What worked, and what didn't?

.        How much of the community participated?

.        Did you bring in an outside facilitator, or self-facilitate?

.        Did you do it onsite or offsite?

.        Were the children involved, and if so, how?

.        What advice would you give to another community about holding a





Eris Weaver, Facilitator & Group Process Consultant

Founding member, FrogSong Cohousing in Cotati, CA

eris [at] . 707-338-8589 .


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